Aug 2, 2006
New Page Added
I am not an interpreter but I thought it would be good to add a little introduction to the industry for those interested.
Jul 11, 2006
SES Latino 2006 Roundup
Today in my searches I came across some pretty good information on the Search Engine Strategies Latino 2006 Conference held recently. This conference was two days and had seperate panels and talks talking about various opportunities in the Latino market for Internet marketers, as well as different issues for Spanish and Portuguese language marketers.
If you have any contact at all with the Spanish or Portuguese speaking market, you will definately benefit by reading the coverage given to these sessions held over a period of two days.
Here are the titles of the different sessions:
Day One:
+ The Opportunity: Tapping Into US Hispanics & Latin America Via Search
+ Search Landscape: US Hispanics
+ Search Landscape: Latin America
+ The Challenges Of Search Marketing To US Hispanics & Latin Americans
Day Two:
+ Translate Or Create: Strategies For Those With English-Language Sites
+ Domain Issues - Latin American Version
+ Spanish / Portuguese Language Ad Issues
+ SEO & Spanish / Portuguese Language Issues
Jul 9, 2006
audio spanish translator
Jul 8, 2006
Spanish Software - Firefox
Jul 7, 2006
A new A.I.-based guessing game
Jul 5, 2006
Altavista Spanish Translation
Jul 4, 2006
Spanish Translation for Free
Jul 2, 2006
Canadian National Anthem: Translation Issue
Before people in the United States was even concerned about the issue of the national anthem being translated into another language, our neighbors to the north have dealt with the issue of having their national anthem translated into two languages, namely French and English.
One of the biggest issues of the Canadian national anthem is that the differenent versions also have different meanings. These different meanings, according to one reporter, reflect different Canadian attitudes. Now, I'm not from Canada and don't know much about Canadian attitudes and politics, but it is interesting to see how one national anthem in two different languages can have such a difference and how these differences can reflect different feelings.
Here's the French version:
O Canada, land of our forefathers, Your brow is crowned with glorious garlands, Because your arm knows how to carry the sword, It knows how to carry the Cross. Your history is an epoch of brilliant exploits And your valor of tempered faith will protect our homes and our rights.
Here's the English version:
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
Jul 1, 2006
World Cup Translation Recruitment
I just read an article about the U.S. military recruiting Arabic translators using advertisements showing during World Cup matches. I guess they have had pretty good success, especially during the Iran-Mexico game a couple of weeks ago.
You can see the videos here. They're pretty interesting.
Regardless of what you think of the U.S. or it's military, you have to admire the way they used this media to get recruits. It makes me wonder how I can use things that are going on the world today to get more clients. What current events can you use to increase and improve your business.
Tags: Arab translation, world cup, recruitment
Jun 30, 2006
Do you speak Arabic and English?
Electronic Iraq is actively expanding its commitment and capacity to bring news, views, and voices from Iraq to a worldwide audience. To achieve this end, Electronic Iraq must translate articles, analyses, Op Eds, and human-interest stories from the Iraqi media. We are currently seeking experienced and dependable translators for this project, and hope to give special attention to the translation of Arabic posts to our acclaimed "Iraq Diaries" section. In addition, we are seeking the assistance of individuals who are able and willing to transcribe interviews from Arabic in to English.
Sounds like an interesting proposition that would be worthwhile to check out.
Tags: arabic jobs, arabic translation
Jun 27, 2006
The Need for an "Urban Translator"
I just barely found this article from the Chicago Sun-Times about a gang member who is on trial and now needs one of his buddies to serve as an "urban translator" to help bridge the "cultural gap" between the courtroom and the gang-ridden streets.
It seems a bit over the top for me. According to the article, the "translator" is needed to help the defendant understand that he shouldn't shout in court and attack his attorneys. Interesting.
Tags: court translation, legal translation
Apr 18, 2006
Hispanics and Marketing
Apr 12, 2006
Alan Enwiya, translator.
Apr 10, 2006
Translation does not equate with vocal fluency
Apr 6, 2006
Mediocre Translators = High Salaries
"A big problem is that payment and translation quality don't match," said Lu Gusun, dean of Fudan University's college of foreign languages and literature and vice director of the Translator's Association of Shanghai.
So why is it that some translators are able to make more than others even when they have the same (or even less) ability than another translator? Well, I think the real reason has to do with the fact that freelance translators do more than just translate. The most important thing they can do is market themselves. Two translators with the same skills will not earn the same amount, but rather the one who is better at marketing will earn more (both in terms of the number of jobs, and what they can charge).
Practicing Your Spanish Listening Skills
Mar 30, 2006
Finding a Qualified Translator
Mar 23, 2006
Article Directory in Spanish
Mar 20, 2006
Translation and Billboards
Mar 17, 2006
Want to be a Conference Interpreter?
Mar 16, 2006
Teacher suspended for not translating
Mar 15, 2006
Translation Summit
Mar 13, 2006
Translation Technology
Mar 11, 2006
Lost in translation
Mar 10, 2006
Free Translator's Handbook
This, the fully revised fourth edition of the Handbook, a valued information resource for translators, is now accessible free of charge in either an on-line version or as a downloadable Microsoft Word document.
Mar 9, 2006
Pledge of allegiance in Spanish
Mar 8, 2006
Looking for a new language?
Mar 7, 2006
New Translations in Spain
Mar 6, 2006
Translation Technology
Mar 3, 2006
Multi-directional Translation
Mar 2, 2006
Keyword Popularity
New poll on bilingual dictionaries
Mar 1, 2006
Simultaneous Interpretation is no curling match
Feb 27, 2006
Spanish translation for Harry Potter
Feb 9, 2006
The Altavista Spanish Translator
One of the most popular online translators is the Altavista Spanish translator, or Babel Fish. This translator can be found at the Babel Fish site.
Here are some of the features of the Babel Fish translator:
-Provides translations for 36 language pairs
-Can translate a block of text up to 150 words
-Can translate web pages
-Has a World Keyboard for entering accented or Cyrillic characters
In terms of the quality of the translation, it's like I've mentioned on my site, you get what you pay for. It's good for shorter texts when you want a rough idea of what the text says, but for anything official or important, it's best to get help from a qualified translator.
You can also read some reviews about some other popular online translators, as well as see a sample of how they (along with the Altavista Spanish translator) perform at the Spanish-translation-help website.
Jan 12, 2006
S.I.D.A. in the Salt Lake airport
It made me stop and think because that (as you probably already know) is the very common abbreviation for AIDS in Spanish. I bet it's an old joke among all the Latins that work at the airport there.
By the way, what it really stands for at the airport is Security Identification Display Area.