Mar 2, 2006

Keyword Popularity

For the past few months, I've been getting a keyword report from Worktracker. This report contains two lists. The first is the Top 300 Surge Report and according to Wordtracker, "contains the top 300 queries from the last 48 hours, which represents the complete queries from the largest Metacrawlers on the web for the last 48 hours."
I enjoy getting this email because it helps me see trends that are developing and also gives me new ideas for various projects. However, there is something I don't understand.
The top three search terms on the list are, in order:
1. Google
2. Ebay
3. Yahoo
My question is this: Why are these search terms? Don't most people know that the URLs of the above companies are the same as the business name? It would seem to me that people interested in finding the Google webpage would already know where to find it and not have to search for it.
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