Feb 4, 2005

Wycliffe in Overdrive

"There are 6,913 languages in the world. But only 2,300 have as much as one book of the Bible translated and available. With a mere 25 new translation projects starting every year (as of 1992), Wycliffe International, the famous Bible translation organization, knew a different approach was needed.

In 1999 Wycliffe came up with Vision 2025—to start a Bible translation "in every language that needs one" by 2025. At the time, they pegged the figure at 3,000 translations. Instead of beginning a new translation every two weeks, they needed to begin two each week." - ChristianityToday.com

An excellent interview with Freddy Boswell, the international translation coordinator for Wycliffe International, on their new push for providing faster turnaround time on Bible translations.

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