Mar 20, 2006

Translation and Billboards

Translating in any language can be a tricky situation. You have to know who your audience is, and that means knowing what flavor of a particular language a particular group speaks.
For example, the same words in Spanish could have different meanings depending on the person who is subjected to that language. Spanish is different, whether you're in Cuba, Puerto Rico, or Argentina. It's also different to Cuban Spanish-speakers living in the United States.
Therefore, it is interesting how marketers use language to target specific groups of people.
A story in Miami over the weekend illustrates this. Volkswagon wanted to advertise their GTI 2006 model specifically to Hispanics in the United States. Well, it didn't go too well.
They put up billboards with a picture of the car alongside the words "Turbo-Cojones" in big letters. Needless to say, not a few people were a little offended and the sign was taken down a few days later.
Whereas the term cojones was used to signify gutsy in the ad, the more vulgar meaning was the one that came across and eventually got the ad shut down.
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