Mar 13, 2006

Translation Technology

The translation industry is, like any other industry, constantly looking for the next technological breakthrough that can aid the field and those that work in it. A lot of translators are able to translate and do their jobs without having to interact with new technology but whether they use it or not, it's out there. And it's only going to get more prevalent as more companies and government agencies work to fix the national translation problem.
Companies and government agencies are constantly facing the issue of sifting through vast amounts of data written in various languages and figuring out how to best sift through that information for the gold nuggets to then be able to act on them.
As translators, we often face our own dilemma of trying to decide if it's worth it for us to keep informed of all these changes that could take place in the future. I for one think that it is imperative that every translator keep up to speed on the type of translation technology that is being developed. The translation industry, as I said before, is like any other industry, and in order to be a good translator, you must be informed about the industry you represent.
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